Meeting #:

  • THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron; accept the Agenda for the September 17, 2018 Council Meeting; as presented.

Owner/Applicant: Dennis Connelly/Doug Culbert, OLS
Property Address: 85413 Scott Line
Property Description: Part Lot 36, Concession 10, East Wawanosh, Township of North Huron

  • THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby recommends approval of the Consent Application, Report #C56-18, Owner: Dennis Connelly/Doug Culbert, OLS, Property Description: Part Lot 36, Concession 10. East Wawanosh, Township of North Huron, with the following conditions:

    Expiry Period
    Conditions imposed must be met within one year of the date of notice of decision, as required by Section 53(41) of the Planning Act, RSO 1990, as amended. If conditions are not fulfilled as prescribed within one year, the application shall be deemed to be refused. Provided the conditions are fulfilled within one year, the application is valid for two years from the date of notice of decision.

    Municipal Requirements
    All municipal requirements be met to the satisfaction of the Township including servicing connections if required, cash-in-lieu of park dedication, property maintenance, compliance with zoning by-law provisions for structures, and any related requirements, financial or otherwise.

    The subject parcel be numbered and addressed for 911 purposes to the satisfaction of the Township.

    The sum of $500 be paid to the Township as cash-in-lieu of parkland.

    Septic System Inspection
    A letter from a licensed contractor advising that the tank has been pumped and is functioning properly for the severed parcel of land be provided to the satisfaction of the Township.

    Provide to the satisfaction of the County and the Township:

    a) a survey showing the lot lines of the severed parcel and the location of any buildings thereon, and

    b) a reference plan based on the approved survey

    Where a violation of any municipal zoning by-law is evident, the appropriate minor variance or rezoning be obtained to the satisfaction of the Township.

    Note: The applicant is hereby advised that the severed parcel will be automatically rezoned to recognize the residential parcel (e.g. AG4-9) and the retained farmlands will be automatically rezoned to prohibit a new residence (e.g. AG2) in the North Huron Zoning By-law.

    The barn on the proposed severed property be demolished to the satisfaction of the Township.

  • THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby receives the report from the Director of Finance, dated September 17, 2018 regarding tax refunds under Section 357 of the Municipal Act in the amount of $7,787.58;


    AND FURTHER THAT, the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby approves the adjustments to be made to the Collector’s Roll as recommended by the Director of Finance.

  • THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby receives the updated version of the Procurement Policy as presented by the Director of Finance;


    AND FURTHER THAT the Procurement Policy be adopted by By-Law # 80-2018 under the by-law section of the agenda.

  • THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby receive the report of the Director of Public Works, dated September 17th, 2018 regarding the establishment of a Howson Dam Working Group for information;


    AND FURTHER THAT staff present this report to the next term of Council for consideration as soon as practicable in 2019.


  • THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby receive the report of the Director of Public Works, dated September 17th, 2018 regarding the procurement of Cemetery Management Software for information;


    AND FURTHER THAT Council approves the purchase of the Stone Orchard Software Management package by Aptean with a purchase and implementation price of $37,300.00 plus applicable taxes;


    AND FURTHER THAT staff be authorized to contract the services of a data entry person to complete the population of data into the Cemetery Database with an upset value not to exceed $11,250.00.

  • THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby receive the report of the Director of Public Works, dated September 17th, 2018 regarding placement of an ornamental Topiary on Blyth Memorial Hall property for information;


    AND FURTHER, THAT installation of the Topiary be authorized to proceed.

  • THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby receive the report of the Director of Public Works, dated September 17th, 2018 regarding an easement request by Union Gas for information;


    AND FURTHER THAT the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the Easement Agreement between North Huron and Union Gas Limited for an easement to be located on Part 4 of Reference Plan 22R-3903 save and except Part 1 on 22R-4107;


    AND FURTHER THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron approves an exception to Section 19.1 of the Procedural By-Law to allow By-Law No. 82-2018 to be passed at the September 17, 2018 Council Meeting.

  • THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby receive the report of the Director of Public Works, dated September 17th, 2018 regarding Service Line Warranties for information;


    AND FURTHER THAT Council directs staff to bring forward an agreement between Service Line Warranties of Canada, Inc. and the Township of North Huron for Council’s consideration.

  • THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby receive the report of the Manager of Childcare Services, dated September 17, 2018 regarding an Occupancy Agreement with the County of Huron;


    AND FURTHER, THAT Council approves an exception to Section 19.1 of the Procedural By-Law to allow By-Law No. 83-2018 to be passed at the September 17, 2018 Council Meeting.



  • THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby authorizes staff to submit a grant application to the Rural Economic Development (RED) Program for $16,000 to assist with the development and implementation of a ‘North Huron Communication Project’ in 2019.


    Option One: 

    THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby receive the report entitled “Traditional Land Acknowledgement Statements, dated September 17, 2018 for information purposes;


    AND FURTHER THAT staff be directed to develop a North Huron Traditional Land Acknowledgement Statement and Protocol;


    AND FURTHER THAT the Reeve or designate, participate in the initial meeting with local Indigenous communities to obtain feedback on a Traditional Land Acknowledgement Statement which would be presented to Council for consideration.


    Option Two:

    that the Council of the Township of North Huron receive the report entitled “Traditional Land Acknowledgement Statements, dated September 17, 2018 for information purposes.

  • THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby approve the request from the Blyth BIA to close Westmoreland St., from Mill St. to Queen St., Queen St, from Westmoreland St to Wellington St., and Wellington St, from Queen St. to the Fairgrounds, at 2:00 pm for a 1 hour duration on Saturday December 1, 2018 for a parade in conjunction with the Hometown Holiday Weekend;

    AND FURTHER THAT the County of Huron and Emergency Services be notified.


Being a by-law to adopt and maintain a Procurement Policy for the Township of North Huron.

  • By-law No. 80-2018; Being a by-law to adopt and maintain a Procurement Policy for the Township of North Huron; be introduced, read a first, second, third and final time, signed by the Reeve and Clerk, and be engrossed in the By-law book.

Being a by-law to establish a Joint Municipal Election Compliance Audit Committee for the 2018 Municipal Election and to Appoint Members to that Committee

  • By-law No. 81-2018; Being a by-law to establish a Joint Municipal Election Compliance Audit Committee for the 2018 Municipal Election and to Appoint Members to that Committee; be introduced, read a first, second, third and final time, signed by the Reeve and Clerk, and be engrossed in the By-law book.

Being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign, on behalf of Council, an Easement Agreement between the Corporation of the Township of North Huron and Union Gas Limited for an easement for the purpose of a hydrocarbon line on lands descripted as Part of Park Lot 10, Registered Plan 410, Designated as Part 4 ON 22R-3903 Save and Except Part 1 ON 22R-4107 Township of North Huron.

  • By-law No. 82-2018; Being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign, on behalf of Council, an Easement Agreement between the Corporation of the Township of North Huron and Union Gas Limited for an easement for the purpose of a hydrocarbon line on lands descripted as Part of Park Lot 10, Registered Plan 410, Designated as Part 4 ON 22R-3903 Save and Except Part 1 ON 22R-4107 Township of North Huron; be introduced, read a first, second, third and final time, be signed by the Reeve and Clerk, and be engrossed in the By-law book.

Being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign, on behalf of Council, a Sublease Agreement between the Corporation of the County of Huron and the Corporation of the Township of North Huron for the North Huron Children’s Program located 255 Cornyn Street, Wingham.

  • By-law No. 83-2018; Being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign, on behalf of Council, a Sublease Agreement between the Corporation of the County of Huron and the Corporation of the Township of North Huron for the North Huron Children’s Program located 255 Cornyn Street, Wingham; be introduced, read a first, second, third and final time, be signed by the Reeve and Clerk, and be engrossed in the By-law book.

  • THAT By-law 84-2018; being a by-law to confirm general previous actions of the Council of the Township of North Huron; be introduced, read a first, second, third and final time, signed by the Reeve and Clerk and be engrossed in the By-law book.

  • THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron agree that there being no further business before Council; the meeting be hereby adjourned at .... pm.

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