Meeting #:
Monday, December 19, 2016
7:00 P.m. - 8:00 P.m.


THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron; accept the Agenda for the December 19, 2016 Council Meeting; as printed.

Visited6.2.1OCIF Formual Based AgreementAttachment Icon

THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby enters into an Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) Formula-Based Component agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario;

AND FURTHER THAT Council approves and exception to Section 19.1 of the Procedural By-law to allow the By-law #116-2016 to be passed at the December 19, 2016 meeting.

Visited6.3.1Aquatic Centre BoilerAttachment Icon

THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby endorses the expenditure under section 2.7 Emergency Purchases of the North Huron Procurement Policy, for the replacement of the Aquatic Centre Boiler and the Repair of the second Boiler for the estimated total price $13,480.00.

Visited6.3.2Children's Centre FlooringAttachment Icon

THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby authorizes an amendment to the 2016 North Huron budget to include a capital expenditure for the final phase of the Day Care Flooring Replacement Project in the amount of $13,751.70;

AND FURTHER THAT a transfer from the Day Care Reserve Fund for up to $1,500.00 be authorized to offset the project costs in conjunction with the funding received from Huron County and the remaining available funds in the operating budget.

Visited6.5.1Pre-Budget Approval for Capital ItemsAttachment Icon

THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby authorizes pre-budget approval for the purchase of fire hose, pagers and radios at an estimated cost of $10,500.00.

Visited6.5.2Revisions to Emergency Plan BylawAttachment Icon

THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby approves revisions to By-Law No. 54-2007 which adopted an emergency management program for the Township of North Huron, by passing By-Law 117-2016.

Visited7.1Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen, Resolution re Legislative Changes Impacting Tax Registrations and Tax SalesAttachment Icon

THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby request the Director of Finance to prepare a report providing details, analysis, and associated implications related to the Legislative Changes Impacting Tax Registrations and Tax Sales.

Visited8.3.1Councillor Ritsema-Teeninga - Requesting Update on Parking Concerns at 45 Alfred Street, Wingham

THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby request that the Director of Public Works contact the Huron County Housing Authority for an update on parking concerns at their building located at 45 Alfred Street in Wingham and report back to Council on the status.

Visited8.3.2Councillor Knott - Request for Council Support for Petition

THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby approves Council providing a letter of support for the petition to Huron County regarding the installation of traffic lights at the intersection of Highway 4 and County Road 25.

Visited10.1By-law No. 115-2016Attachment Icon

Being a by-law to authorize the Township of North Huron to execute and affix the Corporate Seal to authorize an amendment for automatic Aid-Fire suppression Services with the Township of North Huron.

THAT By-law No. 115-2016; being a by-law to authorize the Township of North Huron to execute and affix the Corporate Seal to authorize an amendment for automatic Aid-Fire suppression Services with the Township of North Huron; be introduced, read a first, second, third and final time, signed by the Reeve and the Clerk and be engrossed in the By-law book.

Visited10.2By-law No. 116-2016Attachment Icon

Being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign, on behalf of Council, an Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund Formula-Based Component Agreement between Her Majesty The Queen In Right Of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Corporation of the Township of North Huron

THAT By-law No. 116-2016; being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign, on behalf of Council, an Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund Formula-Based Component Agreement between Her Majesty The Queen In Right Of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Corporation of the Township of North Huron; be introduced, read a first, second, third and final time, signed by the Reeve and the Clerk and be engrossed in the By-law book.

Visited10.3By-law No. 117-2016Attachment Icon

Being a by-law to amend Schedule "A", Schedule "B" and Schedule "C" of By-law 54-2007, being a By-law to adopt an Emergency Management Program for the Township of North Huron; be introduced, read a first, second, third and final time, signed by the Reeve and the Clerk and be engrossed in the By-law book.

THAT By-law No. 117-2016; being a by-law to amend Schedule "A", Schedule "B" and Schedule "C" of By-law 54-2007, being a By-law to adopt an Emergency Management Program for the Township of North Huron; be introduced, read a first, second, third and final time, signed by the Reeve and the Clerk and be engrossed in the By-law book.


THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby proceeds at ... pm to an In Camera Session (Closed to the Public) to discuss the following:

  • Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (COLA for 2017 Wages)
  • Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (Benefits Plan Review)
  • Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (Public Works Personnel)
  • Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (Shared Services Personnel Matters)

THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby proceed to the Regular Council meeting at ... pm.

Visited13.1COLA for 2017 Wages
Visited13.2Benefits Plan Review
Visited13.3Public Works Personnel
Visited13.4Shared Services Personnel Matters
Visited14.1By-law No. 118-2016, being a By-law of the Township of North Huron to confirm general previous actions of the Council of the Township of North Huron.Attachment Icon

THAT By-law 118-2016; being a by-law to confirm general previous actions of the Council of the Township of North Huron; be introduced, read a first, second, third and final time, signed by the Reeve and the Clerk and be engrossed in the By-law book.


THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron agree that there being no further business before Council; the meeting be hereby adjourned at .... pm.